You can say that this is my very first Japanese piece, or half-piece, because it is not complete. Basically, during this year's speech contest preparation, we were given a homework to write a speech based on the "If" theme of last year's contest. I only completed half of the homework and here it is (after many corrections):
次の日に早く起きて仕事場へ行って働きます。そして・・ 繰り返します。
どんな気持ちになりますか。迷い?恐怖? それとも、どんなに面白い事情か分かって微笑みますか。
That's it. When I submitted it, I got encouraging feedback from the senseis. So, I felt "hmm, I should complete it". But then I thought "If I complete it, I might break it" (assuming it is not broken already). "Better to have a good half than to have a broken whole" I thought. I still would like to complete it though, but this kind of writing can't be planned for; it depends on the whim (気まぐれ). Maybe someday I will sit down and write the other half.
So? What do you think? I would like to hear your honest opinions, so I was thinking of disabling comments and inviting you to send your comments by e-mail. But last time I did that nobody sent any comments, so I will never underestimate your laziness again.
Samer san!
An excellent piece!
I love every bit of it!
you should seriously consider taking it to the next level
Thank you sensei, you made my weekend.
It's also been a while since you commented here, so I thought you were boycotting my blog or something :p
It took me quite some time understanding your comment because the language is way above my level (notice that my piece is made up of simple words), so allow me to answer in English .
You (and K-s) are correct about the possible outcomes you describe, but I think you, specifically, miss the point, by no fault of yours.
First, while having things around stimulate thinking, they do so in a very guided and material way, so if you see a car, you'll think about how cool it looks, how useful it is or how it works, but not much else. So having objects stimulate thinking is like 'thinking on rails'.
Second, regarding your question, it shows that you are thinking of confinement and closure, BUT I was thinking about being stripped or abstracted from everyday things, especially the things that provide us with a sense of engagement and sensory delight and being freed to think about the supposedly important stuff. The way you understood it is similar to torture, but the way I do it's similar to being liberated.
To answer your question: No I don't feel closure living in Jordan, and actually its the exact opposite of that. This idea was borne from my experiences going to foreign countries and from meeting foreigners.
My idea is indeed similar to confinement rooms in psychiatries but this was not intentional and was not my inspiration at all. I think the problem was that it is not complete, but also this was a good thing because I could read your reactions (とらえかた).
If I completed the piece, you would see that a major theme is thinking about our haves and have nots, and how fortunate we are and to also appreciate things we didn't notice around us before.
This is a similar exercise to fasting in Ramadan. Not eating or drinking until sunset, we genuinely feel how it is to be poor and without food and we really start to feel gratitude, and also care for the poor. So you can think of it as an extention of this.
Reading your and K-s' feedback, I think the essay needs revision. All in all, valuable feedback, so thank you very much.
Sorry for the long comment!
nice half speech, looking forward for the other half.
sometimes we think about the things that liberate us as a prison.
In my opinion, to be in such a room is better than being jailed by our desires and notions.
Thanks for the post, we should think about things in different way from while to while.
Thank you, Momiji-san. I'm glad you liked it.
I enjoyed reading every word of it :)
People can barely write such things in their own language so writing this in Japanese is just GREAT!
Thanks Amani-san.
Many times I feel I want to express myself in Japanese, but it takes lots of time and non-Japanese speakers can't read it.
When I write in Japanese some sentences feel 'Englishy' and native senseis really don't like to see this (mezawari toiu yatsu), but when I write in English I end up with 'Japanesey' English.
ya3ni mush khalseen..
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