It has been almost a year, but I'm finally done reporting and shared [almost] everything I wanted to share about the trip. I hope you enjoyed reading the blog -like I enjoyed writing it- and learned something worthwhile from it. If you have any questions or anything else you want to know, please don't hesitate to ask by commenting on this post or by sending me an e-mail and I'll be more than happy to answer.
Again, I would like to thank everybody who helped me out in those two unforgettable weeks: The embassy for recommending me (without a test!); the Japan Foundation personnel who took care of us up to the last moment, especially M-san; the homestay family which made me attached to Osaka; the nice participants especially Mr. Egypt and Mr. Yemen, who made me feel at home in the difficult and awkward moments; my friends and teachers who received me in Japan: Yoshi, N-sensei, Nobu, Ocha no, Sanad, T-sensei and of-course, K-sensei. (K-s: Thanks for the awesome, awesome picture book!)
After all the kindness I received in Japan I am willing to help any Japanese person in Jordan in any way I can. This way, hopefully, I can repay the Japanese kindness with Muslim & Jordanian kindness. As the nice expression in Japanese goes: お互い様です
Last but most, Alhamdulillah. Thanks to Allah for giving me this opportunity and a magically smooth, most wonderful trip.
To wrap up here is a list of the trip-related posts, oldest first:
My two weeks in Japan - prologue: Kokoro
Round 1: Home stay photofest
日本で一番好きな場所 - My favourite place in Japan
Japanese children 日本のお子供さん
The beautiful scenery of Japan - 美しき日本景色
Awkward moments 気まずい瞬間
They arrived FINALLY!! ヤット届いたんだ!!
Long time no post: The lost letter 久しぶりにポスト!失われた手紙
Muslim X Japan X 2 weeks ムスリムX日本X2週間
One free day in Tokyo
A visit to the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park 広島平和記念公園の訪問
Playfulness ふざける事