Friday, October 05, 2007

More posts after the break, just you wait! イードの後、続ける!

It was especially a PAIN when it interrupted a movie/song I was watching/listening to.

Salam friends,

Since I started blogging about my trip and until the last entry, I posted every few days. But since then things slowed down and I will also not be posting in the next two weeks. As you may know, we're in Ramadan. Now, we're also in the last ten days of Ramadan. So, between work and getting the most out of the beloved month before it ends, I can't find time to update with photos or stories.

Special treatment for a special month.

I still have lots of interesting photos and stories up my sleeve, so look forward to more posts after Eid Al-Fitr ends (after around two weeks).

dewa, mata ne!


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

グッド グッド
楽しみにしてます ^^

Amani AbuQdais أماني أبوقديس said...


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

イードの後の約束はどうした? >O<

Anonymous said...

I'm sending this from work..

I was preparing a biiig post with looots of pictures, so I couldn't finish it in one sit down because I have to resize and rename all the pictures one by one.

BUT, now I lost my Internet connection at home because of a billing problem with the internet company. K-sensei, you already know how good customer service is in Jordan. No need to say more.

gomen! matte kudasai..

Ocha no,
Ima wa mada 'eid no ato' deshou? ;p

Amani AbuQdais أماني أبوقديس said...

'eido no to'tte koto wa moshikashite, al ad7a eido no ato no deshou ka? (笑)

Amani AbuQdais أماني أبوقديس said...

eido no ato* ..mattaku misutaipu wa..